FAQs - Details


Why does my tap water look cloudy?


Every winter we receive a few phone calls saying there water looks cloudy. Do not be alarmed, it is harmless, it is only AIR. This is caused by the temperature of Lake Michigan. When water is pumped thru distribution mains on the way to your home it begins to warm as it flows underground. This warming trend continues as the water enters the pipes in your home. All along it remains under pressure. This pressure forces the air to remain in solution even though its concentration is several times in excess of the water’s current capacity. As soon as a household faucet is opened, the pressure is relieved and dissolved air begins to release. If you observe a glass of this ‘cloudy’ water, you will soon notice that it begins to clear at the bottom. As the bubbles rise to the top of the glass and pop, the band of cloudiness slowly begins to disappear. These tiny bubbles are visible upon close inspection. Once the cloudiness dissipates, the water is perfectly clear. No residue is visible at the bottom of the glass, offering further proof that this is simply air.