FAQs - Details


What happens when 911 is called?


Trained communications personnel listen and ask many questions. Where, Who, What, When, Why and How will be asked. This enables them to send a "team of proper help". You have heard it before, "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!" This is a critical time when location is most important. If the emergency is at a different location than where you are calling from, be sure to notify the dispatcher. These questions may seem unreasonable at the time, but these questions could be crucial in aiding those who are in danger, securing a crime scene, capturing the criminal and protecting the responders. DO NOT HANG UP UNTIL THE DISPATCHER TELLS YOU TO DO SO! The questions may include: Where is the emergency? What is the emergency? Who needs help? Do you know who did this? Why did they do this? How long ago did this occur? Name and phone number of the person reporting the incident. Suspect or vehicle descriptions could be asked. How many subjects involved? Remember, that even while these questions are being asked...help is already on the way.