Safe Kids is a worldwide campaign working to educate parents and children on awareness and prevention of unintentional childhood injuries in kids ages 14 and under. 

The Schererville Safe Kids Chapter, was started up back in 1998, and is coordinated out of Schererville Police Department. This chapter, which is just one of many throughout the state of Indiana, is working hard to help educate Hoosier parents on prevention of unintentional childhood injuries. There are chapters and coalitions working towards this same goal in every state in the United States as well as Worldwide. 

In the past years the Schererville Safe kids Chapter has conducted numerous Car Seat Clinics at a variety of locations to inspect, install, and/or educate parents on the proper use of their children’s car seats. We’ve distributed an assortment of car seats to parents who needed them but couldn’t afford them. We’ve also conducted several bicycle safety courses to help educate parents and their kids about bicycle/pedestrian safety and given away bicycle helmets to those who needed them. During these safety courses we always try to have a local bike shop come to the event to inspect participant’s bikes for safety. This is all made possible with the help of community volunteers, clubs, local businesses and organizations. 

Currently the police department member who operates this chapter is records secretary Melanie Griffin. Working together with volunteers we coordinate and schedule community events and programs to help educate parents and kids. 

Startling Statistics 

More than 1,000,000 children under the age of 14 die each year from unintentional injuries caused by fire, scalding, drowning, poisoning, choking, falls, bicycle-related crashes, motor vehicle accidents, and unintentional shootings. Millions more suffer injuries that could have been prevented. It is estimated that 90% of unintentional injuries can be prevented. That’s why it’s important to teach kids how to be safe whether in the home, on their bikes, or in the family car. You can greatly reduce your children’s risk simply by setting some simple rules such as wearing helmets and seat belts. 

Deaths: In 1996, unintentional injuries resulted in the death of more than 775 children under the age of 1, 2100 children ages 1 to 4, 1500children ages 5 to 9 and 1800 children ages 10 to 14. 
About 660 kids age 14 and under die each year in home fires, a majority of which had no working smoke alarm.
In 2001, 134 children ages 14 and under died in bicycle related crashes and in 2002 nearly 288,900 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for bicycle related injuries. 

Car crashes remain the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths. Each year approximately 1800 kids under the age of 14 are killed as occupants in motor vehicles. In 2001, 1,579 children under the age of 14 died in motor vehicle crashes. 

An estimated 85% of children in child restraint/booster seats are improperly restrained putting them at risk. 

As of January 2004 141 children have been killed by passenger air bags. Almost all were either unrestrained or improperly restrained. 

Everyday more than 39000 children are injured seriously enough to require medical treatment, totaling more than 14 million children each year. 

In 2002, 50% of children under age 14 killed in motor vehicle crashes were not using safety restraints. 

Riding unrestrained is the single greatest risk factor for death and injury among child motor vehicle occupants. 

Lightweight scooters, which seem to be a hot gift for youngsters, resulted in over 26,000 injuries in 2000 requiring emergency room treatment according to US Consumer Product Safety Commission. 

If you are interested in becoming a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, volunteering to assist with an event or would just like your car seat checked contact the Schererville Police Department at (219) 322-5000 and set up an appointment. 

To find out more about preventable injuries, the Safe Kids campaign, or to locate local chapters and coalitions visit some of these listed web pages on line. 

Car Seat Recommendations For Children

Guide To Child Passsenger Safety