The Schererville Police Department participates in the nations annual town-wide "National Night Out" Campaign. The event is held every year on the first Tuesday in August at Redar Park from 6pm to 9pm.  

The purpose of the event is to bring local residents, business owners, organizations, and community leaders together with law enforcement for the purpose of strengthening neighborhood spirit and promoting crime awareness and prevention.  It also encourages the community to join with law enforcement to celebrate our resolve against crime in a festival type atmosphere.

In the past, this event has been a great success with over 2,000 residents attending to show community support for our police department in their efforts to keep Schererville a low crime community.  In order to make every year event just as successful, we ask for community support and involvement.  Businesses and organizations help make the evening a success by providing monetary, food, or other gift type donations or by hosting a booth for kids’ games and prizes. Businesses associated with crime prevention products will display their products for education and/or give-away purposes and be available to explain their products and services. 

Any business or individual who wishes to be a donor or participant should contact Officer Jeff Zemburski at the Schererville Police Department at 322-5000.