Citizen's Police Academy
Ofc. Jeff Zemburski

In 1994, the Schererville Police Department, with sponsorship from the US Department of Justice, launched a new program called the Citizen's Police Academy. CPA, as it is known, is a ten-week course designed to give citizens insight into the workings of their police department. The efforts of the police department are apparent in the academy's motto "Understanding Through Education". Since its inception as one of the first citizen academies in the state, the Schererville Citizen's Police Academy has won the US Justice Department's Exemplary Law Enforcement Award as well as accolades from citizens and members of the media. 

Throughout the course, instructors, from within the ranks of the police department, are utilized as trainers for various law enforcement related topics. From session to session the topics may change but a typical curriculum includes: orientation and tour, police canines, firearms and use of force issues, accident investigation, defensive tactics, surviving armed confrontations, pepper spray usage, standardized field sobriety testing, evidence handling, and criminal investigations. 

The academy is open to Schererville residents and business owners who are over 18 years of age or older. The sessions are offered in the early spring and fall of each year, subject to enrollment. Class size is limited to 15 students to allow for group interaction and hands on experience. There are no enrollment fees.

If you are interested please contact the Schererville Police Department at 219.322.5000 to see when the next class is forming.