Over the years, the WasteWater Treatment Plant has received several different upgrades to its facilities. Additionally, there are several different projects that have been implemented and/or drafted to continue upgrading the Plant, the various lift stations, and the sewage system.

  • 1964: Construction of the 0.5 MGD Treatment Facility
  • 1977: Construction of the 1.5 MGD Treatment Facility
  • 1983: Construction of the Raw Sewage Pump Station and Flow Equalization Facility
  • 1986: Construction of the 3.5 MGD Facility, addition of three Primary Clarifiers, four Aeration Tanks and the conversion of the 1.5 MGD facility to an Aerobic Digester
  • 1991: Construction of the 5.0 MGD Treatment Facility, the addition of three Primary Clarifiers, six Aeration Tanks, two Secondary Clarifiers and three 200 HP Blowers
  • 1994: Construction of the Belt Filter Press Facility
  • 1995: Addition of Ultra-Violet Disinfection Facilities and conversion of two Primary Clarifiers
  • 2003: Construction of the 8.75 MGD Facility, addition of four Aeration Tanks and one Secondary Clarifier
  • 2010: Construction of the New Headworks Facility, Dewatering Facility, Aerobic Digester, Back-up Generator and a 300 hp High Speed Blower
  • 2015: Construction of the New Ultra-Violet Disinfection Facility
  • 2017: Construction of two new Secondary Clarifiers, a new R.A.S. Building, Aeration Tank modifications and the installation of a new 500 KW Emergency Generator
  • 2018: Installation of a new 335 horsepower High Speed Blower
  • 2021: Construction of a Phosphorus Removal System
  • 2024-2025: Construction of a new Bio Solids Storage Building