The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for the enforcement of all town ordinances, which include but are not limited to: Public Health & Safety, Building & Construction, and Zoning. The officers responsibility is to issue citations for violators and keep files on all businesses and properties in town. The Officer believes in being proactive in enforcement by attempting to find and stop problems before they get out of control. The Code Enforcement department also enforces sign violations and vehicles parked for sale on non-licensed property. Code Enforcement does not handle animal complaints. Those matters are handled through Animal Control Officers at the Schererville Police Department.

The goal of our Code Enforcement Officer is to make sure that Schererville stays the beautiful town that it is. By enforcing codes and ordinances around town, Schererville will be able to stay clean, orderly, and pristine. Our Code Enforcement Officer wants to reinforce the idea that they are here to help.

If you have any questions about Town Ordinances, concerns, or complaints, please contact Code Enforcement Officer Sam DeCero at (219)322-2211 ext. 1306.

Ordinance Information

The Code Enforcement Officer wishes to highlight several specific Town Ordinances that have been found to have the highest number of violations in the Town.
They are as follows:

  • Ordinance #1031Anyone operating a business in a storefront or from home must obtain a license.
  • Ordinance #1212: Any person working as a contractor on any property in town must be licensed.
  • Ordinance #1525: High weeds, grass, or debris on property must be maintained.
  • Ordinance #1708: Storm drainage onto someone else’s property is illegal.
  • Ordinance #1797: No Signs of any kind are permitted in the right way or nailed to any utility poles. Signs are allowed on private property.
  • Ordinance #1797-3: Any work or construction on any property in town must have a permit and the blue permit card must be displayed in the front window of the home or business. Any work without a permit will result in a citation.
  • Ordinance #1801: Trash containers need to be in the garage, fenced in, or around back, out of view from the street.

Additional issues in Town that often occur:

  • No parking of boats, RV’s, campers, trailers, or work trucks in residential areas. 48 hours is allowed in the driveway for loading, unloading, cleaning, or repairing. 
  • Special events, such as neighborhood wide garage sales or block parties, require a permit.

To view the Schererville Town code in its entirety, please click here:
If there are any questions regarding Ordinances, the best way to be properly informed is to call the Code Enforcement Officer at (219)322-2211 ext. 1306.