Town of Schererville
Town of


Summer Sewer Rates

April 17, 2012 06:45 AM

Summer sewer rates will be in effect for water used from May 1 through  September 1.  The water bills that will reflect these discounted rates are JULY - AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER.  You will always be charged for the water used, but will receive a discount on the sewer rate.  The sewer rate will be based upon your average water consumption from the winter months of January, February and March.  Please note that any resident using less water in the summer than what their average is will be billed for the lesser amount.
Please call us if you will be filling a pool before May 1st or After September 1!
Any questions, please call the Clerk-Treasurer's Office at (219)322-2211 ext. 5.

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