Town of Schererville
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Explorer Program

January 25, 2010 12:55 PM

Lake Suburban Police Explorer Post # 911      

Post Adviser - Officer Jeff Zemburski

In February of 2005, the US Attorney’s Office helped facilitate the acquisition of a federal grant to start up a local Explorer Post, which is hosted by the Schererville, Highland, and Griffith Police Departments.  The post, which was eventually named Lake Suburban Police Explorer Post #911, had its initial orientation in May of 2005 and its first meeting with members is June of 2005.
The Explorer program is part of the “Learning for Life” /Law enforcement Explorer Division of the Boy Scouts of America Explorer Program.  The program is geared toward men and women ages 16 through 21 who may be thinking of purs uing a law enforcement career.  Its primary design is to help supplement a college education and enhance a potential police applicant’s qualification through training, service, competition, and practical experience.

Since its inception in June of 2005, the Lake Suburban Post is solely administered by the Schererville Police Department meeting once a month, at the Schererville Police Department. Membership has increased to approximately 20 participants. Some of the members are currently in school and classroom type activities and training as well as hands of practical simulations that help familiarize them with all aspects of law enforcement.

Some of the events members have participated in include career presentation by Federal Agencies such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Attorney’s Office.  Members have attended seminars in criminal-profiling, verbal judo, identity theft, and have taken part in a crime scene investigation class.  Members also toured all three police stations, the Lake County Jail, the Lake County Coroner/Morgues Office and Prompt Medical Transport.  Some of the more hands on events included participation in K-9 demonstrations, training on a firearms simulator, firearms training and shooting at the range.  Members accumulate attendance hours for these functions and once the reach 48 hours they are eligible to participate in the ride a-long program.

Meetings are coordinated and supervised by Post Adviser and a member of the U.S. Attorney’s Office.  The Current Advisor is Officer J. Zemburski, Schererville PD. Cadet members conducted elections and selected a Post Chief, Captain, and two Lieutenants from its ranks for leadership roles.

The Lake Suburban Police Explorer Post is a voluntary organization for youths looking for a challenge and some practical experience.  We are always taking applications and looking for youths who are interested.  If you or someone you know is interested, check us out on the web at or contact us directly at:
Schererville PD 219-322-5000 Ofc. J. Zemburski

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