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Census 2020 Response Invites Sent

Thursday, March 12, 2020
All Day Event

2020 Census Response invitations are being sent out starting now!

Invitations to respond to the 2020 Census will be arriving in the mail between March 12th and March 20th. 

The invitation will include instructions for responding online. 

If you need help or would like to respond by phone, you can call a toll-free phone number.

Respond at or call one of the toll-free numbers. 

Use the Census ID included in your invitation. You can also respond without it by providing your address. 

Areas less likely to respond online will also receive a paper questionnaire that they can return in the mail. 

Include everyone you expect to live in your home on April 1. 

You can respond online or by phone in one of 13 languages and find assistance in many more. 

Click here for full calendar of important census dates.