Although the primary function of the elected Clerk-Treasurer of a town is to serve as fiscal officer of the town, the Clerk-Treasurer has many other responsibilities. The Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for:
- Receive and care for all town money and disburse monies on the order of the town council;
- Keep financial accounts identifying the sources from which funds have been received and to whom payment of town funds have been made;
- Prescribe payroll and account forms for all town offices;
- Prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers, and employees shall be paid;
- Manage the finances and accounts of the town and make investments of town money;
- Prepare the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements, and the proposed tax rate for the town council;
- Maintain custody of the town seal and the record of the town council;
- Issue all licenses and collect the fees fixed by ordinance;
- Serve as the clerk of the legislative body by attending meetings and recording its proceedings;
- Administer oaths, take depositions and serve as a notary without fee;
- Serve as clerk in the town court, if the judge of the town court does not serve as the clerk or appoint a clerk of the court (IC 36-5-6-6)
- Serve as an ex officio member of the town council solely for the purpose of casting the deciding vote to break a tie;
- Bill and collect for the water utilities rates and charges and appoint employees who are also responsible for that billing and collection