There are several ways to pay your water bill.

1. Pay online through Invoice Cloud. Click here to visit the online payment site. 

2. Set up a monthly automatic withdrawal via your bank account. Sign-up forms are available at the Clerk-Treasurer's Office or click here for an application. Please remember to include a voided check. 

3. Pay by Phone by calling our toll free number at (844)321-9513.

4. Pay by Text by registering your account with Invoice Cloud to use this service. 

5. Mail a check to the Clerk-Treasurer's Office at 10 East Joliet St., Schererville, IN 46375.

6. Drop your bill off at the Clerk-Treasurer's Office or in one of the drop boxes located in the front and rear of the the Town Hall at 10 East Joliet St. We accept payments by cash, check, money order, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover ONLY). 

7. Bank Bill Pay: This is setup through your bank - Bill Payment. Your bank will mail us a check – this is NOT electronic. Your payment is usually received about 7-10 days after it is setup to pay. Our address is 10 E. Joliet Street, Schererville, IN 46375.

Please include your utility account number on your check.

A full FAQ related to InvoiceCloud is available here: Online Utility Bill Payment FAQ.