Check with the Building Department before beginning home-improvement projects. Permits are required for home-improvement projects, including electrical, mechanical, structural or plumbing work. As a result of getting a permit, an inspector will check the work. Inspections provide a measure of safety to protect your life and property. If you are not sure whether or not your project requires a permit just contact the Building Department.

Projects That Usually Require Permits:

  • Finishing a Basement
  • Re-roofing, re-siding, etc.
  • Installing electrical outlets
  • Replacing doors, windows, etc.
  • Remodeling kitchens or bathrooms
  • Installing a pool, spa or hot tub
  • Building an addition, including seasonal rooms
  • Installing appliances and replacements such as furnaces, boilers, water heaters, fireplaces
  • Building/installing a fence, a shed or a deck

If you are planning to make home improvements, contact the Building Department to find out what building safety code provisions apply and if you need a permit.